Turn your cold past clients into advocates of you again!

Turn your cold past clients into advocates of you again!

I know, I don't have to remind you that home sales have been the lowest since the year 2000. While most realtors are living in a state of fear, worried about where their next lead is going to come from, we are going to talk about how you can beat everybody else through one simple method; converting your past old clients into advocates that rave about you again. 

So let's talk about your past customers, and let's go way way way back even to your first client. Remember how much they love working with you and how much you love working with them? But it's been years since you last spoke with them, and now it feels incredibly awkward. But those customers, going all the way back, are solid gold. 

In this highly competitive and tight real estate market your past clients should be your entire focus of your energy.

So now that we're on the same page, let's talk about how we can reinvigorate them once again. And it's very very simple. Simply send your clients something unexpected, something that will inspire them and remind them about how much they enjoyed working with you.

Two types of clients

In my opinion, there are two types of clients; the A-list clients and everybody else. So let's talk about everybody else. What I recommend is that you go with your database all the way back from the beginning and send those clients a simple heartfelt hand written note card in the mail. Something that says, "I know it's been a long time since I reach out to you, I really enjoyed working with you and I hope you're having a wonderful summer with all your friends and family." Nice and simple. And then time it so seven days later you give them a call. They would've received the note card and they are ready and primed for your phone call!

Now let's talk about your A-list clients

Here's where the fun kicks in, what I would suggest and what I've seen countless realtors do, is send your clients a gift in the mail. Spend some money, don't be shy. It will absolutely blow the socks off of your A-list client, they will have no idea that it's coming it will be an absolute shock. A simple gift goes so far!

There are two gifts that we provide that realtors sent to their clients; one is a portrait of their home and the other is a cutting board. It depends on the emotional connection those clients have that home, but for a gift like this that is out of the blue I would tend to recommend that you give them a cutting board. But is not just a cutting board, it's one of our cutting boards that has their name laser engraved right into the cutting board. Classy, heartfelt and sincere.

Then wait one week after you've mailed them the cutting board and give those clients a call, you will have a raving fan on the other end of the phone! We've seen this time and time again, it totally works. Now your past client is once again an advocate for you. No need to go out and get new leads, turn your past clients into that database that works for you. And in this slow market were having right now, now is the time to do it!

Here is a link to our cutting boards and here is a link to our house portraits so you can learn more about those.

I strongly believe that right now during the slow market that now is the time to reach out to those past clients of yours and show them how much you care about them and how you are there for them. This will change your business forever!