
After creating 16,000 house portraits for realtors across the country; here are three powerful ways to utilize the pure potential of our house portraits.

Turning past clients into new clients.
You have so many past clients that you worked with. They love you you love them. But it's been months or maybe even years since you really connected with them. They're waiting for you to reach out to them. Here's a very powerful way to do that.

Imagine you standing on the front steps of your past clients once you haven't seen in years. You ring the doorbell and the answer it and you hold out your hands and you give them this box. They opened it up, and inside is a painting of their home from you as a thank you gift. They will be incredibly touched and honoured. Instantly those past clients will become brand-new advocates of you once again. And referrals and repeat business come out of advocates just like this.

Thanking current deals.
You just help your clients buy or sell their home now is the perfect time to give them a heartfelt gift. This one is obvious we all know this is the perfect time. But here's how I can really help you; a lot of people I speak to give the house portraits to a client that's been in this home for 30 years. I think of it as a such a special gift they want to give to that client.
And I agree! This is a wonderful client to give it to. They will treasure it forever. They will hang on the wall and show all the family and friends. Absolutely. But so will every other client. Every client you work with would love a house portrait. We recommend you give this to every single deal you work with. Give everyone of your clients an opportunity to think about you every day and send you referrals. Why would you limit this to only those clients that you think would treasure the portrait more than others.?

I have a client that has given a house portrait to every single one of his clients from the day one of his business. He then became the fastest highest earning rookie of the year in RE/MAX. He then went off to start a team. He is now off to looking at buying a franchise. And he tells me that he got here because the house portraits gave him the referrals he needed. As simple as that. So he does and for every deal, not just those deals of the people who been in the house for 50 years.

Flippers builders renovators.
A really wonderful way to generate more business for you is to give your builders, flippers, renovators a portrait of their home when they're done the flip. Imagine if you went to all of your builders and gave them a painting of their home as a thank you gift! Where do you think they would hang that? They hang it right in their office for all of their friends and family to see. They want to talk about their success they want to show all their family and friends about their success, but how do they do that? They do that with the portrait as it hangs on their wall.

That is why we highly recommend that you give a portrait to all of your partners in business the flippers, the renovators, builders, they all would love a portrait

I hope you enjoy these tips in ways that we've helped people make money with her portraits. Were looking forward to working with you more more more for years to come!

Russell McRae
McRae portraits.com