Real estate referrals

Real estate referrals

Realtors; a study done by outbound engine, shows that successful real estate agents get up to 75% of their business from real estate referrals and word-of-mouth. And the most amazing part is that the same study shows that on average, only about 20% of past and present clients are referring their family and friends to you, leaving so much opportunity, and money, on the table.

Those figures showed just how important it is for you to be able to give your clients the tools that they need in order to send you referrals. Your clients love you, and they want to refer you, they just don't know how. Sure, maybe be just after the sale of their home or when you help them buy a home your name will come up. But soon after that as your client's life continues along at a hectic pace they no longer bring up your name and conversations.

So how do you change that? You need to give them something that sparks conversations about you over and over and over again. Emails your clients don't work. Phone calls are nice, but they don't create conversations between your clients and their family members. Sending out newsletters to clients doesn't work. So what does?

Create referrals through a heartfelt gift. Realtors are looking for referrals. Give your clients something that will get them talking what you for decades to come

In our experience, a portrait of their home hanging on their wall is the most powerful tool in creating those passionate conversations about you! The reason why only 20% of past and present clients are referring their friends and family to you is because they don't have something that sparks those conversations about you. But that is exactly what our house portraits do! As they hang on the wall your client's friends and family will see it there, they will comment hey isn't that your past house or hey isn't that your house?


Realtors, looking for referrals? Give your clients a painting of their home it will spark conversations about you for decades to come

And that is the start of the conversation about you and the referral!

We've helped thousands of realtors increase their referrals from their past clients through the simple act of giving them a portrait of their home at the end of the deal.

So let's help you grow your referrals through the simple act of giving your clients a heartfelt gift of a house portrait.

A portrait of your client's home is a powerful tool in generating referrals for you.