Giftvertising: how to transform your clients into advocates

Giftvertising: how to transform your clients into advocates

 How to turn your clients into advocates with one simple gesture; a gift.

One of the hottest trends right now… is Giftvertising. Giftvertising can generally be defined as a heartfelt experience created by a marketer to surprise its customers with free gifts.


One of the most famous examples - and maybe the idea that truly ignited the current trend - was the WestJet Christmas Miracle. It became one of the most watched viral videos in the world - and has generated over 40 million YouTube views.

The video got 1600 press mentions around the world:

According WestJet, last year's video doubled the amounts of visits to WestJet's website, bookings increased 77% compared to the same month in the prior year, and revenue rose 86%.

 What makes Giftvertising so important to your business?

One of the most powerful aspects of Giftvertising is that it helps forge a strong emotional bond between your company and your customers. All people want is to feel "heard" and acknowledged, especially in this modern time of mass consumerism. At the end of the day, people just want to feel connected.

Connecting with your clients through a simple gift, a gift that has no strings attached, no expectations, is an emotional arrow right to your client's heart.

But I'm no WestJet!

Of course, you can't pull off this big stunt that WestJet did and your clients aren't expecting it. Here's the best part, the gift doesn't have to be expensive, it just has to be heartfelt. Think about how you have felt when someone you know, maybe one of your kids, actually made you a gift. How did that make you feel? It wasn't expensive, it was heartfelt.

Where do I start?

You start right here, right now. Go into your client database, pick 5 clients and surprise them with a gift. Remember, it doesn't have to be expensive, actually, it shouldn't be expensive. It should be heartfelt and something you know they would treasure.

How do I know what to gift my clients?

Well this is the hard part, everyone is different and it takes a tremendous amount of energy to travel around the city buying gifts for each person. And that's probably why you haven't done it, am I right?

We're here to save the day.

This is where we step in, we can create for you a heartfelt gift for every one of your clients every single time. These gifts are so heartfelt in fact that they usually bring people to tears; a painting of their home. A simple painting of their home, beautifully matted, framed and nestled in our handmade packaging. It's a big hit every single time. 

And for that extra bit of subtle marketing, we place your name in the corner of the portrait, creating those powerful referrals for you.

So look out West Jet, here you come!