5 ways to reach out to your Clients this Christmas

5 ways to reach out to your Clients this Christmas

Many buyers and sellers will wait till after the holidays with the house in the market. This is a perfect time to remind your clients of your expertise in their local market. However, you want to be mindful of how you reach out to your clients. You want to reach out to them in a heartfelt manner. Here are five ways that you can reach out to clients and not in an annoying way.

One. Throw a holiday party at one of your listings.
This serves two purposes one it's a way to mingle with your sphere of influence ends a great way to get more foot traffic in the door for your open house. You can put out your business cards, but because this is a party, keep your conversations light simple and not to focus on the sales aspect, but on the relationship building side.

Two. Include something extra in a holiday cards for your clients.
If you're sending a real no card or an e-card you can personalize your greeting with how great it is working with your clients, something that is personal just for them, something like I hope you had a great trip and Tahiti Bob!

Three. Shovel your clients out of a tough situation.
Wouldn't it be great to hire a snow removal company to clear your client's sidewalks so they remain safe in the wintertime. And then when the snow removers leave have them leave a little treat on the door saying we take care of you all year round.

Five. Help your clients track everything on their holiday calendar. Since it's usually slower this time of year, being Christmas time, user social media to post about local events throughout the year, not just about your listings. This will help your clients remember all the holiday activities and want to join. You can also mention what activities you will be attending so they can stop by and say hi.

These are just five simple ways to reach out to your clients of the holiday season, find a way that works for you and stick with it, your relationships with your clients will get deeper and deeper every year.

Enjoy the article,
Russell McRae