8 key times throughout the year to reach out to your clients

As a realtor, it's important to maintain regular contact with your clients to stay top-of-mind and provide valuable information and support. Here are eight key times throughout the year to reach out to your clients, along with brief sentiments that can accompany each outreach:

  1. New Year's Day (January 1st): Sentiment: "Wishing you a prosperous year ahead! If you have any real estate goals or questions, I'm here to help."

  2. Spring Market Update (March/April): Sentiment: "As the spring market blooms, I wanted to share the latest real estate trends and opportunities. Let's discuss how they may impact your plans."

  3. Summer Newsletter (June/July): Sentiment: "Summertime brings new possibilities! Enjoy the warmth and remember, I'm just a call away if you need assistance or want to explore the market."

  4. Back-to-School (August/September): Sentiment: "As the new school year begins, I'm here to help you find a home that suits your family's changing needs. Let's discuss your real estate goals."

  5. Holiday Greetings (December): Sentiment: "Wishing you joy and happiness this holiday season! If buying or selling a home is part of your plans for the coming year, let's start the conversation."

  6. Home Anniversary (client-specific): Sentiment: "Happy home anniversary! It's been [number of years] since you made a great investment. If you ever need assistance or have questions, feel free to reach out."

  7. Market Report Update (quarterly): Sentiment: "Keeping you informed about the real estate market is important to me. Attached is a detailed market report for the [current quarter]. Let's discuss any insights or questions you may have."

  8. Birthday Greetings (client-specific): Sentiment: "Happy birthday! May this year be filled with joy and memorable moments. If there's anything real estate-related I can assist you with, don't hesitate to let me know."

Remember to personalize your messages and adapt them to each client's specific situation. Regular, thoughtful contact will help build trust and reinforce your role as their trusted real estate advisor.